Performance is all about context. Modern personality theory has shown that individuals are able to adapt their behaviour across different contexts with volitional effort. The trick is to understand the moving parts, and have frameworks to help guide these shifts, supported by a good coaching programme.
In team contexts it is important to understand that team behaviour is distinctly separate from the behaviour of the individuals that make up the team, and therefore needs to be understood separately.
We are proud to be associated with the UK-based firm Mindflick, which has its roots in understanding and supporting peak performance under pressure at the elite level. We are able to use their Spotlight "COPE" and "FLEX" frameworks (shown right) to support individual coaching and team development sessions, as well as SpotlightDYNAMICS, which can shine a light on psychological safety and team functioning.
"Pig Wrestling" - a fun, single-session "problem cleaning" board game, is also available for particularly sticky problems!