Our phased approach is designed to enhance 'traditional' Leadership Search.
Many searches go wrong before they even start, undermined by a lack of clarity or consensus around what is needed. Using our Role Essentials Profile instrument to survey the context around the role, we are armed with data to surface and address this. This data also allows us to target our candidate search more effectively, and ensures our interview questions are specific to our clients' particular situations.
Integrating Leadership Development and Executive Search principles when searching for and interviewing candidates allows us to explore both the 'what' (technical competencies) and the 'how' (behavioural competencies), using a data-driven approach. We are able to not only find candidates, but also develop a view on their strengths and potential development gaps, linking this back to our clients' current contexts.
Once the successful candidate has been agreed, instead of moving on to the next job, we commence a transition coaching programme, working with both client and candidate. The survey data gained and relationships developed earlier in the process are key elements which can be applied to the successful transition and integration of the candidate. This phase is designed to help candidates settle sooner, thus delivering superior value to clients, and superior outcomes for candidates.